Monday, August 10, 2009

Garbage Day; weatherwise, too!


WKTV's meteorologist predicts that: "....we will make a run for the warmest day of summer so far as we sit in between the warm front and cold front. Hazy, humid and hot with temperatures climbing into the upper 80s, but it will feel like the low to mid 90s. With the heat, humidity and sunshine, we will once again have the threat for pop up showers and thunderstorms Monday afternoon. Some of these thunderstorms may be on the strong side with gusty winds and small hail.

Relief of the humidity will be brought in by a cold front on Tuesday. Tuesday starts off dry but showers and thunderstorms will develop out ahead of the cold front in the afternoon. Highs in the low 80s. Behind the front, drier and more comfortable weather for the rest of the week."



From Luanne Burback Parker .........

Ashley Burback and Mike Ryan were married Saturday, August 1st, at St. Bernard's Church. She is the daughter of Tim and Paula Burback of Waterville and Mike is the son of Wes and Kay Ryan of Whitesboro.

From Mary Beth VanDenberg ............

"We had a surprise visitor, early Friday morning!"

At first it looked as if they might have dropped in for some firewood at Tom & T.O.M.s .....

........."but it turned out that they had run into high winds on top of the hill and came down into the valley and finally had to land - right here in Forge Hollow!"

They left a "Thank You!"


Early Saturday: the BIG tents were up ................

.................... the not-so-big tents were up next to Route 20 ............

.............. the field was ready ............

.............. and a few shops were open. All that was needed: shoppers!


I've begun seeing more and more Rose of Sharon Shrubs blooming, here and there.

Click the image for information about the name and the Biblical connection.


We had some pretty interesting thunder and lightning during the night, and it looks - and sounds - as if more is on the way.

It's time to turn off my computer, I think, and put the garbage out before the rain rather than during!


But before I hit "publish," I want to thank ALL of you who volunteered to type or who wrote suggesting various softwear that would convert PDFs to text. Sheri Brennan got the first "assignment" and, in less than an hour had turned out the text of an article that Patty Louise had spotted a few weeks ago: a 1909 essay on the history of Waterville that had some really neat things in it that I'd ever read about, before! I'll update some references and then post that on Heaps of History! Thanks loads, Sheri!!!

Have a good day!!!!

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