Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Morning

It's 40 degrees and bright as can be!

WKTV predicts that: "Memorial Day looks fantastic with wall to wall sunshine and seasonable temperatures. Highs near 70 degrees. Quiet weather continues into Tuesday afternoon before rain arrives after sunset with highs in the upper 60's. Middle of the week looks unsettled with clouds, rain and thunderstorms."


Everything's ready. Flags and baskets of petunias hang on 'phone poles.

I caught Shirley Kellogg in the act: planting the Watering Trough in the Park, as she does every year.


The Garden Club "tubs" have all been planted and the rest of the community continues to keep Alcotts' parking lot filled.

Kirk and Lacy enjoyed the Saturday sunshine on Sanger Avenue.

Landscaping was in progress at the Dorrs', yesterday .........

.............. and I found Rick Lewis planting flowers on family graves in the Waterville Cemetery. He lives in Waverly, New York, now, but grew up on Sanger Avenue. I remembered his mother, Carolyn, who used to work in the bank.

(When I walked over to introduce myself, Rick knew right away who I was and he'd learned about the blog from his old buddy, Bob (?) Conlon.)



with Exercises to follow

in Monument Park.



A reminder that there will be a


at the American Legion Post 92

starting at noon.


"The Taizé Worship Service at Grace Church, Waterville will be held on Monday, May 25, at 7:00 p.m. (even though it is Memorial Day). This service is held on the fourth Monday of every month.

Taizé is an ecumenical service for all Christians. Everyone is welcome to come. The thirty-minute candlelight service is one of Prayer, Scripture Reading, Meditation and Song."

(Taizé is pronounced Tah-zay' amd you can learn about its origin by clicking HERE.)



Solomon's Seal is in bloom.

Dandelions are going to seed, covering fields with "frost."

In shady woods, Jack-in-the-Pulpit opens .......

and, hiding deep in "the swamp," clumps of yellow Lady Slippers gleam.

Have a good day, everyone!

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