Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday add-on

Recapping yesterday:

On my back porch at 4:15 yesterday afternoon!

It was a great day to be outdoors, and there were walkers and runners and bicyclists and skate-boarders everywhere. Two weeks ago it was snowboqrds and snowmobiles! I spotted this motorcycle on W. Bacon Street ...........

.............. and then realized that they'd stopped to chat with Paul Holic, who was out raking.


This great news arrived in the middle of the day:

The photo was taken Friday morning by Dale Meszler.

Waterville Central School Jazz Ensemble (class C)

at the

22nd Annual Oneida Jazz Festival

Overall Rating – Gold
(awards range from bronze silver and gold)


Waterville Students selected for the Class C All Star Jazz Band:

5th Trumpet – Jarrod Waufle

1st Bari Saxophone – Caleb Mariano

1st Trombone – Alex Meszler

2nd Trombone – Rory Keating

1st Vocalist – Joey Staskowski

In addition to their performance the kids spent the entire day on Friday listening to 22 other schools and attending educational clinics that were hosted by professional musicians. This year’s judges and clinicians were:

Steve Allee – Pianist
David Gibson – Trombone
Chris Vadala – Saxophone
Dr. John Coggiola – Trumpet



NOON - 9:00



Trustees Tom McNamara and Bruce Treen, each hoping to succeed themselves and newcomer Matt Tanner, hoping to replace either.


Spaghetti Dinner

Saturday, March 21

This is your chance to enjoy an entire evening on the town without leaving Waterville. Join the Music Boosters for their anual Spaghetti Dinner between 4:00 and 7:30 and stay to see this year's High School Musical Production "Hello Dolly" at 8:00pm.

Tickets for the dinner will be available at the door.

Tickets for the musical should be purchased in
advance through the school.




Saturday, March 21

8:00 a.m. - 11:30

$6 for adults; under 10 - free!

The profits will help the Masons
paint the Tower this summer.


Donkey Basketball Game

Sponsored by the Octagon and Jr. Optimist Clubs
at Waterville Middle-High School

Saturday, March 28, 2009
7:00 pm
Tickets - $5 advance sale, $7 at the door

Advance sale tickets can be purchased at Michael's Fine Food and Spirits, the Waterville Times or by contacting Brian Bogan at 841-8527.

Game will be held at Waterville Jr. Sr. High School Gymnasium, 381 Madison St., Waterville
Come see students compete against faculty and staff and students against community members.

Proceeds to benefit the Waterville Food Pantry


There's more ---- but I'll post that tomorrow!

Have a great day, everyone!

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